Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de succumb

to succumbsucumbir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I succumbyo sucumbo
you succumbtú sucumbes
he succumbsél sucumbe
she succumbsella sucumbe
we succumbnosotros sucumbimos
you succumbvosotros sucumbís
they succumbellos sucumben
they succumbellas sucumben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I succumbedyo sucumbí
you succumbedtú sucumbiste
he succumbedél sucumbió
she succumbedella sucumbió
we succumbednosotros sucumbimos
you succumbedvosotros sucumbisteis
they succumbedellos sucumbieron
they succumbedellas sucumbieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have succumbedyo he sucumbido
you have succumbedtú has sucumbido
he has succumbedél ha sucumbido
she has succumbedella ha sucumbido
we have succumbednosotros hemos sucumbido
you have succumbedvosotros habéis sucumbido
they have succumbedellos han sucumbido
they have succumbedellas han sucumbido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had succumbedyo había sucumbido
you had succumbedtú habías sucumbido
he had succumbedél había sucumbido
she had succumbedella había sucumbido
we had succumbednosotros habíamos sucumbido
you had succumbedvosotros habíais sucumbido
they had succumbedellos habían sucumbido
they had succumbedellas habían sucumbido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will succumbyo sucumbiré
you will succumbtú sucumbirás
he will succumbél sucumbirá
she will succumbella sucumbirá
we will succumbnosotros sucumbiremos
you will succumbvosotros sucumbiréis
they will succumbellos sucumbirán
they will succumbellas sucumbirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have succumbedyo habré sucumbido
you will have succumbedtú habrás sucumbido
he will have succumbedél habrá sucumbido
she will have succumbedella habrá sucumbido
we will have succumbednosotros habremos sucumbido
you will have succumbedvosotros habréis sucumbido
they will have succumbedellos habrán sucumbido
they will have succumbedellas habrán sucumbido

I would succumbyo sucumbiría
you would succumbtú sucumbirías
he would succumbél sucumbiría
she would succumbella sucumbiría
we would succumbnosotros sucumbiríamos
you would succumbvosotros sucumbiríais
they would succumbellos sucumbirían
they would succumbellas sucumbirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have succumbedyo habría sucumbido
you would have succumbedtú habrías sucumbido
he would have succumbedél habría sucumbido
she would have succumbedella habría sucumbido
we would have succumbednosotros habríamos sucumbido
you would have succumbedvosotros habríais sucumbido
they would have succumbedellos habrían sucumbido
they would have succumbedellas habrían sucumbido

Participio presenteAnotado
succumbing sucumbiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
succumbed sucumbido

Más verbos

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Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
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